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What is Bulk SMS Delivery Report

Delivery Report is the important section of every Bulk SMS Panel. In this section you can see your shoot sms report like SMS Shooted by you is delivered, failed, pending or aborted. In this section you can also see the date, Mobile Number, type of SMS etc.

How to Check Delivery Report of Bulk SMS

You can check delivery report of the SMS. On clicking the sidebar you will find the delivery report Option. Select the Option and check the delivery Report.

1. On the Delivery Report Dialog box you can there are four drop-downs to filter your delivery Report Status. with the first drop-down you can search the particular Mobile No. to see the delivery of SMS.

2. With the next Drop down you can filter your Delivery Report by campaign Name.

3. With the next Drop down you can filter your Delivery Report by API and Web.

4. With the next Drop down you can filter your Delivery Report by Routes.

5. With the next Drop down you can filter your Delivery Report by Date.

6. You can also export your delivery report to csv file by clicking the Option export from the right side of the dialog box.

How to check the SMS delivery through Graph

As we open the delivery report from the side bar of the panel, a graph will be shown.

Causes of Bulk SMS Failure

  • Use of Spam words : When any client uses spam words in their content or in sender Id. These SMS are rejected by the operator.
  • Number Switched Off: When an SMS gets to a Switched Off phone Number then it has a validity time to remain in the queue but if the number is switched off for a long time then sent SMS gets failed.
  • Number Out of Network: When an SMS gets to a phone Number which is out of network area, then it has a validity time to remain in the queue but if the number is Out of Network for a long time then sent SMS gets failed.
  • Invalid Phone Number: Sometimes Clients puts any invalid numbers in hurry then these SMS gets failed.
  • Operator Error: Some times there is any error in Operator's server for some time. so there are chances of geting sms failed.
  • Provider's server error: Sometimes an error occured in Bulk SMS Provider's server. so your SMS gets failes.
  • Recipient's Inbox Full: Another reason why a message delivery failure might occur is if the recipient's message inbox is full. In such situations, the message got to the phone but had no space to land.
  • Number suspended by operator: Mobile number suspended/blocked by operator that is why SMS got failed.

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