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How Custom SMS Works?

FastSMSIndia is the most affordable Bulk SMS Service Provider across India with many customized Features in Bulk SMS Panel.
"Custom SMS" is valuable feature in Bulk SMS Panel. If You want to send Simliar SMS to many people but with little bit of changes in content like name, marks, mobile number etc. For this you just put the variable name for the value(contained in excel file). SMS will be sent with the dynamic value to customers.
We will explain you with an example. Suppose a Bank want to send Balance detail to every customer. In Which Balance and Customer Name remain changed in content. If you use the Custom SMS feature you do not need to type the message again and again. Whole message will remain the same just the name and balance is changed.
Dear Ram
"Your account no is 26546462. your account balance is Rs.549648579"
Dear Sham
"Your account no is 757456. your account balance is Rs.25843"
In the above examples the dynamic value is customer name and account number and marks. Only that has been changed, rest of the message is the same. Let us see the process of using Custom SMS feature.

How to use Custom SMS?

  1. Firstly Prepare the CSV(comma delimited)file for your Custom SMS Following is the example of the CSV File.

  2. Login to FastSMSIndia
  3. Select the Send SMS Option from the left side of the Panel.
  4. In the Right side of the Panel, Select Upload File Option.

  5. Now You will find the CSV File Preview.

  6. Besides the Message Field you will find the "Insert Dynamic Value Option". This Option Shows the values of your CSV File.

  7. Type you message with the dynamic values of CSV File.
  8. Click On the Send Option.
  9. When you press send, confirmation dialog box will appear stating the details of the SMS. Click on Confirm to send the SMS. It will give a preview of how your message will appear in the mobile of the recipient. Also the cost per SMS, total characters, total messages, number count will be displayed.

    The SMS will appear on ram's mobile as shown below-

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