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What is Group Bulk SMS

Group Bulk SMS refers to send the SMS to a group. You can create group of your own choice. For example, if you want to send a Bulk SMS to only Government service people, you can create group of those people's mobile number. Now you can send this particular SMS to this Group.
Mobile to Group gives you the ability to send an SMS message from your mobile phone to a group of previously uploaded contacts when you are away from your computer.
You simply send an SMS message which will include the BulkSMS group ID to a relevant long number. Our SMS system will then redirect your message to your predetermined contact group.
Sending an SMS text message from your mobile phone to a group will have two separate costs-
The first cost is that of the SMS text message sent from your mobile phone (to the applicable network)
The second cost is for the SMS messages being sent out using the BulkSMS platform to the relevant contact group. See our SMS pricing details for more information.

Key Features of Our Group Bulk SMS

  • Easy to Use
  • Promotes your business and aware of all the people about your business.
  • Suitable for all the requirements
  • Easily accessible for all devices including desktop, laptop, and internet
  • Convenient options to promote yourself regularly

Group Bulk SMS in FastSMSIndia

FastSMSIndia is the leading Bulk SMS Service provider in India, Our Web SMS Service is a complete Bulk SMS Solution designed for a small, medium or large company.
Operating with a 50 Member team Bulk SMS Service has taken in big strands in media convergence, mobile marketing and Bulk SMS over the years with its various products and services which are already been used by some of the biggest corporate companies in the south India.
We have so many clients in all Metro cities Delhi, Mumabi, Kokatta, Banglore and Hyderabad Our service SMS Resellers helps people to start their own business with minimum investment. We provide unlimited Sender Id's to send SMS. Our DND filtration SMS gateways allow you to send advertising sms with ethical way of marketing.

    Steps To Send SMS In Groups :
  • Login In FastSMSIndia
  • Select the option "phonebook" given on the left side of the Panel.
  • Now Select the Option "Add New group" and type the name for the group.The Following Screen Shows.
  • Select the Add contacts option.The Following Appears:
Register now at FastSMSIndia, a reputed Bulk SMS Provider and start sending Bulk SMS with all languages.
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