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How to Add Contacts in Phone Book

Using the Contact feature, you can easily store the details of any client with name and numbers. It is very important for further use. For example if you have some business like Jewellery Shop or any banking sector where there is a need to proper follow your customer. You can save your customer's details while using this feature. With this you can send further notification to your premium customers and there is no need to feed the information of customers again and again.

To know in detail how group bulk sms works, click here

Advantage of Adding Contacts

Time saver - The first advantage of adding Clients is that it saves your time to a great extent. You don't have to manually enter each detail one by one which you have to do in the traditional method.
Future reference- The Client saved can be utilized for future reference as well. You can see at a glance what were your past records and can be easily stored.
Powerful search- Searching a Client becomes a lot easier in this method. You don't have to manually look for the Client's details. Just search for them in the search bar and the result gets displayed within seconds.
Easy and systematic administration- Overall the database gets stored in a systematic manner without any hassle. You can even create groups for similar criteria Clients and make it easier to manage.

Key Features of Adding Contacts in Phone Book

  • Easy to Use
  • Promotes your business and aware of all the people about your business.
  • Suitable for all the requirements
  • Easily accessible for all devices including desktop, laptop, and internet
  • Convenient options to promote yourself regularly

Phone Book in FastSMSIndia

FastSMSIndia is the leading Bulk SMS Service provider in India, Our Web SMS Service is a complete Bulk SMS Solution designed for a small, medium or large company.
Operating with a 50 Member team Bulk SMS Service has taken in big strands in media convergence, mobile marketing and Bulk SMS over the years with its various products and services which are already been used by some of the biggest corporate companies in the south India.
We have so many clients in all Metro cities Delhi, Mumabi, Kokatta, Banglore and Hyderabad Our service SMS Resellers helps people to start their own business with minimum investment. We provide unlimited Sender Id's to send SMS. Our DND filtration SMS gateways allow you to send advertising sms with ethical way of marketing.

    Steps To Add Contacts in Group :
  • Login In FastSMSIndia
  • Select the option "phonebook" given on the left side of the Panel.
  • Now Select the Option "Add New group" and type the name for the group.The Following Screen Shows.
  • Select the Add contacts option.The Following Appears:
  • Now Fill the Contact's details and Click the Add Button.
  • If you want to Add multiple contacts, Select the Import Option.
  • It will ask you to upload CSV(Comma Separated Values)file.
    CSV file looks like this:

    So you might be wondering how easy it is to use this feature. We can easily save and record data in a simple way without any complications. Do visit our website FastSMSIndia for Sending Bulk SMS in a affordable, simple and easy way.
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