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How to upload a CSV file?

CSV stands for "Comma Separated Values" It is the type of file in which data is saved in a table structured format.

How to upload a CSV file?

  1.  First create an excel database of your name and contact numbers. Save the file with an extension of .csv after the file name. Following is the example of the CSV File.

  2. Login to FastSMSIndia
  3. Select the Send SMS Option from the left side of the Panel.
  4. In the Right side of the Panel, Select Upload File Option

  5. Now You will find the CSV File Preview.
  6. Type you message with the dynamic values of CSV File.
  7. Click On the Send Option.

You can upload your CSV File containing list of mobile numbers to whom you want to send the message, then select the column name which has mobile numbers. And after that type your message and press send. The SMS will get delivered to all those mobile numbers which were there in the CSV file.

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