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How to Schedule a SMS

This feature is perfect for when you know you will not be at your desk when an SMS message needs to go out. You can schedule your SMS text messages to be sent at a future date and time - up to a year into the future.
It can be used to set up a reminder message the day before an appointment, meeting or event. It can be used to tell customers about a one day only special. You can even schedule SMS messages to go out to yourself, to remind you of any events, meetings or what groceries you need to pick up at the end of the day.

Benefits of Scheduled Bulk SMS

1. If You have business of any health care services. then there should be exact way of follow up and appointments. With the Use of Schedule SMS you can easily sen reminders to booked appointments without any worry. It can save your time and increase your business growth.
2. Schedule Bulk SMS can prove to be one method to make extra money because Schedule SMS can be received to customers according to his convenient time. this makes a positive attitude for any brand or product.
3. With th use of Schduling any SMS, you have no worry about to send SMS at a specific time. it will automatically send at specific Date & Time.
4. Schduling any SMS is a perfect way to save yout time and money. You can schedule any SMS according to your time and customers will receive this SMS according to his time.

Steps to Schedule a SMS in FastSMSIndia

  • Login to
  • Now Select the route
  • Fill the SenderID, Mobile Numbers and Message in the required boxes.
  • Now Click on the Schedule SMS Option given below of the Panel.
  • It will ask you to select the particular date & time to schedule SMS.
  • Now click on the Schedule Button.
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