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Bulk SMS For Education

When you are running a school or college then a good communication pay a key role. It is too important to share all the necessary information to your student as well as parents. Traditional method like email, home latter and contact to person by using phone call all have some drawback and waste of time also. Now you must be thinking that why these methods have drawback? Let's see if some information sent by home latter may be delayed, received too late and, in some situation interpret by the student if it contains some unnecessary news. Emails also have drawback they can be read too late or can be blocked by spam filter. Phone call also are wastage sometimes no. are not reachable some time people are busy and mobiles phone are switch off.
So all the above examples are the reasons why Bulk SMS gives an important role in school/colleges. Nowadays mostly every person use mobile phones, 90% people carry their phone into pocket and see after every minute. So you are very ensure that your all massages are very open and read these entire messages very soon.
Educational institute used Bulk SMS as a cheap and effective marketing tool which does not even need the internet connection. The education organization is also the type of a business and in business; firstly you have to generate leads. They can produce knowledge about the courses they are offering, fee structure and other related information that students may find applicable strategy.

Benefits of Bulk SMS for Education

  • For sending Weekly/Monthly attendance report to the Parents Using Transaction Bulk SMS
  • Sending Students Marks List Using Transactional Bulk SMS
  • Sending Holiday Notices/Alerts/reminders to Parents and Children's Using Transactional Bulk SMS
  • Advertising about School/College/Training Institute using Promotional Bulk SMS.
  • Sending Exams reschedule updates using Transactional route.
  • Meeting Arrangement Notification between parents and teachers using transactional Bulk SMS.
  • Functions/anniversary invitation sending using transactional bulk SMS

In Educational we can use either promotional or transactional bulk SMS. For sending informative you go for transactional route, you want to send School/College offers and their benefits go for promotional route. Here are some of the events schools may wish to notify parents:

  • School closures intimation due to unexpected events
  • Remind parents of upcoming events
  • Information regarding PTM (Parents Teacher Meetings)
  • Wards daily attendance / monthly attendance intimations
  • School Transport intimation to Transport availing kids
  • Festivals and Birthday Wishes in bulk or individual
  • Message reminder of tests/exams
  • Cancellation of lectures/class
  • SMS for school announcements

Bulk SMS is the Communication improved Marketing tool through this one we are sending large amount of data to Bulk user at once. The usage of Bulk SMS in Education system is more it mainly used for Teacher and Student communication, Parents and Teachers Communication, Management and High Authority communication etc.All you need is to have a best and affordable Bulk SMS Service provider near you. Your search ends with us. FastSMSIndia is the most Affordable Bulk SMS Service Provider across India. We have 50+ thousands satisfied customers. You are step ahead to call Fastsmsindia to give and assist you with Free Demo SMS.

Register now at FastSMSIndia, a reputed Bulk SMS Provider and start sending Bulk SMS with all languages.

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